Utilizing the larger surface area of a horizontal vs. a vertical filter vessel, the HFS Series water treatment design allows for fewer vessels to treat higher capacity requirements above 1MGD.
Designed for complete installation and operational flexibility, the HFS Series can be installed outside or it can be installed with only the face piping and head inside the building while the straight shell vessel remains outside to keep construction costs down.
Engineered to last a lifetime, the HFS Series system’s corrosion resistant Sch. 80 PVC underdrain piping and H&T’s “patented” Stainless Steel Self-Cleaning Sand Valves minimize the need for any unplanned outages or impacted effluent water quality.
Hungerford & Terry – Sand Valve Underdrain
The “Self-Cleaning” Sand Valve underdrain nozzles from H&T feature patented free-floating splines around the periphery of each nozzle device.
Este movimiento libre es diferente a las aberturas perforadas o ranuradas que se encuentran en cualquier boquilla convencional que están sujetas a la acumulación de depósitos en las aberturas fijas y eventualmente se obstruyen debido a la limitación inherente del diseño.
The movement of the Monel Spline serves to break up any calcification that would normally build up on any fixed opening. The H&T Sand Valves effectively clean themselves through this flexible motion for worry free performance.