After our first 1000 contracts sold Hungerford & Terry realized we needed to utilize the letter of the alphabet and a 3 digit number to keep track of the high volume of contracts provided. This means that for every letter of the alphabet there are 1000 contracts. Currently the latest contract number is M-287 which means H&T has supplied over 13,000 contracts to date.
Below is a short collection of systems supplied by H&T.
Construction Photos of Recent Contracts
Contract M-084
Horizontal GreensandPlus Filter and Degasifier System in New England
Contract L-889
(3) 12ft x 27 SS GreensandPlus Filters – Pretreatment for RO Filter System

Contract L-961
GreensandPlus Filters Installed into existing buildings. Coming in from above in NY
Contract M-121
2 Pairs of Demineralizers leaving H&T on their way to the job site

Contract M-234
2 pairs of ion exchange softeners headed to the mid-west

Contract M-282
Single 5ft H&T Plug & Play skid-mounted GreensandPlus Iron and Manganese filtration system ready for shipment

Contract M-253
H&T Ion Exchange Nitrate Removal System & Regenerant Water Softener

Skid-mounted Softener system

Contract M-206
H&T provides the largest Ion Exchange “TOC” Color removal system in the State of Florida

Contract M-216
Degasification System for Arsenic Mitigation and Aquifer Storage & Recovery System

Contract M-086
(6) 12ft Diameter GreensandPlus Filters with Self Cleaning Sand Valve Underdrain assembly in Midwest
Contract L-395
Upgrade System Project in La. – Converting competitors equipment to H&T design